Friday, September 19, 2008

Getting Even Closer...

So, I know it's been a while since I updated everyone on the adoption process... I sent the "Father's Consent to Adoption" to Aden's biological father on Saturday. I am starting to stress about things, and being the pessimistic person that I am, I am getting worried that he isn't going to sign the papers. But, like my mom said, if he doesn't, I have 4 brothers who will be at his front door with baseball bats! :)
Once I receive the papers (Please!), we will be pretty much done!!! Then we'll just have to wait until we get our Hearing date. Pray for us that this will all go smoothly. We have been waiting for this for a very long time! Love to you all.


Kendall and Melissa said...

Good luck to you!! We'll keep you in our prayers.


Your sweet family is in our prayers... and i can be prety tough with a baseball bat too!!!

Nicole said...

I wish i had the same 'Baseball Bat' backup, that'd be fun! I hope all works out well! I love ya!

Nicole said...

I am so excited to see you tomorrow!!!!

Anonymous said...

We don't need bats.

Chelsie said...

Kris! It was so good to see you last night. We really shouldn't wait that long again. Anyways, I hope that everything goes smoothly. Love ya!