Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jaynifer Got Bangs!!!!!

So, last night Jayne and I decided that it would be fun if she got some bangs...all the girls are doing it these days. I told her I would take her somewhere and get them cut. She wanted me to do it because she doesn't trust anyone else! So, I got out my hair scissors and went for it! I think she looks so adorable. Please excuse the not so good camera phone photo.


Anonymous said... are simply amazing!

Us said...

It looks super cute! But it makes her look too old!! My little Jaynie is growing up

The Luke Family said...

SOoooo CuTE!!!


Kendall and Melissa said...

She looks ways cute!! Way to go! I'm affraid to cut my girls' hair. The boys are easy, but I'm nervous about doing girls.